Silicone compounds

COMET aims for continuous growth of its skills, quality and quantity, also in the field of inorganic compounds (i.e. silicone and fluorosilicone). The open collaboration with the main manufacturers of silicone base, allows COMET to developĀ all the technical solutions available on the market.

The strong search for innovation, together with the ability to customize, have enabled COMET to gain a central position in the Italian and European panorama of VMQ & FVMQ compounds.


The range

COMET's VMQ and FVMQ range of compounds is available in the configurations that are the most requested by customers and the recipes are always customized. The offer of silicone compounds satisfies the most demanding requests also in terms of colour. All inorganic compounds are available with peroxide or platinum catalysis and are adaptable to any transformation system.

Solid silicone compounds

Sponge silicone compounds

There are no compounds for this sector


Hardness range

From 25 a 80 Shore A



Transformation System



Not catalyzed on request

Sector of use

Main reference standards

Automotive & Transport

Main manufacturers standards


According to specification